Tabletop games type

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Tabletop games type

Post by +61411137828 »

There are various types of tabletop games, including:

1. Abstract: Board games with no theme or a theme that is disconnected from the actual gameplay. Examples include Draughts, chess, Go, Tak, Hive, Santorini, Azul.
2. Area control: Board games where players compete to dominate a defined space by adding or removing pieces.
3. Campaign/legacy: Games that involve a series of connected scenarios or campaigns with persistent elements.
4. Deckbuilder: Games where players construct their deck of cards during gameplay.
5. Deck construction: Games where players build their deck before gameplay.
6. Dice-based: Games that heavily rely on dice rolls for gameplay.
7. Role-playing: Games where players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting and engage in storytelling.
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