History of the world

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History of the world

Post by +61411137828 »

The history of the world is a vast and complex subject that spans thousands of years. It encompasses the rise and fall of empires, the development of cultures and societies, and the evolution of technology and science.

There are many resources available to learn about world history. One such resource is Britannica's World History Portal, which provides a chronological, statistical, and cultural record of the events, people, and movements that have made an impact on humankind throughout the ages. Another resource is Khan Academy's World History course, which covers topics such as ancient civilizations, world religions, and global conflicts.

If you're interested in exploring world history through maps and timelines, GeaCron's Interactive World History Atlas is a great tool to use. It allows you to view historical events on a map and track how they influenced different regions of the world over time.

Finally, if you're looking for a comprehensive timeline of world history, World History Encyclopedia has a searchable timeline containing over 12,000 events from world history. I hope these resources help you learn more about the fascinating history of our world!
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