popular Ethics and Philosophy

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popular Ethics and Philosophy

Post by +61411137828 »

Ethics, also known as moral philosophy, is the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad and morally right and wrong. It is also applied to any system or theory of moral values or principles. Ethics deals with fundamental issues of practical decision making, including the nature of ultimate value and the standards by which human actions can be judged right or wrong. The terms ethics and morality are closely related, and they are often used interchangeably.

If you are interested in exploring ethics and morality further, you can refer to the following resources:

- Britannica: Provides a comprehensive overview of ethics, including its definition, history, examples, types, philosophy, and facts.
- Philosophy Break: Offers a reading list of ethics and morality that includes introductory texts, primary works from philosophical greats, and resources for contemporary debates.
- BBC Ethics: Provides an introduction to ethics, including metaethics (the nature of moral judgment), normative ethics (content of moral judgments), and applied ethics (practical decision making).
- The Collector: Explores the five most important ethical theories in moral philosophy.

These resources can help you gain a deeper understanding of ethics and its various aspects.
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