Tofu contains calcium and oxalic acid, the combination of the two will form calcium oxalate and thus lead to stones

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Tofu contains calcium and oxalic acid, the combination of the two will form calcium oxalate and thus lead to stones

Post by +61411137828 »

Tofu contains calcium and oxalic acid, the combination of the two will form calcium oxalate and thus lead to stones, so kidney stone patients should not eat tofu.
In soybeans, there are three main stone-related substances: purine, calcium and oxalic acid. Soybeans are processed in different ways, and the stone-related components will change, for example, soy milk and tofu contain very little purine.

The main effect of soy products on stones is the oxalic acid in them. Tofu (especially marinated tofu and gypsum tofu) has a very low content of oxalic acid, and food products further processed from tofu (e.g., dried tofu) do not have a high oxalic acid content, so they can be eaten by people with stones as well. Healthy people's bodies are more capable of processing oxalic acid and other ingredients, so there is even less need to worry about eating tofu or soy products causing stones.

In addition, contrary to popular belief, insufficient calcium intake in turn increases the risk of stones. Therefore, even for those who are at higher risk for stones, it is still necessary to consume the proper amount of calcium.



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